Signal Boost from E to 3G
Question by Guest | 2018-01-26 at 21:02
I bought an Internet stick for surfing the web.
There is only an E signal in my flat, so the Internet builds up very slowly. However, in front of the house, I have 3G reception.
Now my question: Is there a possibility to amplify the mobile signal so that I can receive 3G also in the house, which would improve the speed of the Internet?
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According to my experience, the reception in an apartment is not everywhere the same. For example, I have a better reception when sitting in one corner of the couch than sitting on the other side. At least that would be one of the quickest ways trying to improve the situation (if reception at your favorite place on the couch is bad). Sometimes it also helps to open the window.
The second recommendation would be to give the stick back (because you have no reception) and prefer to take another network (mobile provider) that is well developed at your place of residence.
If you want to stay with your stick and there is no better place in the apartment, you could also buy a mobile signal repeater. There is also a instruction for a homemade solution available here. However, I can not say, whether that has the desired effect, because I have not tried it myself.
Depending on what you buy and want to do, it might be really cheaper with just changing the provider...
2018-01-26 at 22:17