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Unicode Code Point of Non Breaking Space

Question by Guest | 2015-01-15 at 18:59

Does the non-breaking space have an own Unicode Code Point or is the formatting of this blank character managed and displayed only internally by the used word processing program?

If yes, what is the corresponding Code Point?

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Yes. The non-breaking space has its own Unicode Code Point. Here is a small table:

Unicode Decimal160
UTF-80xc2 0xa0
HTML Entities 
HTML Unicode 

On Windows, accordingly, you can use the key combination ALT + 0160 on the number block to write a non-breaking space (more about inserting non breaking spaces in Word and OpenOffice).

In the HTML source code of a website you can either use   or   to insert a non-breaking space (more about non breaking spaces in HTML).
2015-01-18 at 00:21

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