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What is the most used Linux Distribution?

Question by Guest | 2016-06-12 at 15:12

I wonder which of the Linux distributions (Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, openSUSE etc) is actually the most used or most installed version of Linux.

Is there any statistics available for that? Or was there ever someone who has compared the download numbers?

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As far as I know, there are no reliable figures available for that question, but if someone knows better, I am free to change my mind. The problem with elevating effects numbers is that Linux is distributed over very different ways and therefore, the pure number of downloads does not say anything.

Nevertheless, of course, there are some rankings in the Internet. Usually, Ubuntu, Mint and Debian are competing for the first three places. Sometimes, Ubuntu is at the top, sometimes it is Mint. Commonly, the next places go to Fedora, Mageia, Arch and openSUSE. Then there are CentOS, Manjaro, PCLinuxOS, FreeBSD, Puppy and Gentoo.

To get those numbers and rankings, some people are conducting surveys, others are analyzing download numbers or clicks on the corresponding Internet portals.

I can recommend the website distrowatch.com which is completely devoted to this topic.
2016-06-12 at 15:57

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