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What is VPN?

Question by Guest | Last update on 2021-07-01 | Created on 2014-12-16

I see there is a function in my Android smartphone named VPN under Wireless and networks.

There are two more options inside it. First, "Add VPN profile" and second "Always on VPN". Was just wondering what those options mean?

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VPN is an abbreviation for "Virtual Private Network".

This is something like a network before another network. For example, you can use your normal mobile data network of your mobile provider to access your home network or the network at your work.

So, all requests are redirected via this virtual network and from outside it seems as if you are on the other network. Your mobile network becomes something like an extension cable while you are online with the other network.

VPN can be used, for example, when employees are working from there home in the network of their firms having all the access rights they had in case they where at their workplace or to access and use always the same network while traveling around and going online with different hot spots and roaming points.

With "Add VPN profile" you can constitute a new VPN connection on your phone, with "Always on VPN" you can force your phone to always use this kind of connection.
Last update on 2021-07-01 | Created on 2014-12-16

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