33 Votes

When and where was the first European Football Championship held?

Question by Loud Waggon | Last update on 2024-02-01 | Created on 2016-01-29

This year, it's that time again: The Football European Championships will be held in Europe again.

But at which time it all started? Can anyone tell me when the very first Euros took place? And in which country?

3Best Answer3 Votes

The first European Football Championships was held 1960 in France.

However, the tournament was called "European Nations' Cup" at that time.

The opening match took place on July 6, 1960 in Paris, the final took place just four days later on July 10, 1960 also in Paris.

The short duration of the match is primarily due to the fact that there were only four participants: France, Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia.

Who wants to know about the other host countries of the other years since then, can have a look at the table of all previous host countries of the European Football Championships.
Last update on 2024-02-01 | Created on 2016-01-30

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