22 Votes

Who won the World Cup in his own Country?

Question by Hero12 | Last update on 2024-02-23 | Created on 2015-10-07

I am very interested in a list of countries that have so far made to win the Football World Cup in their own country.

Currently, I can only remember France in 1998. However, has it happened more often?

6Best Answer8 Votes

Indeed, it often happens that teams can use their home advantage to manage winning the World Cup in their own country.

Here is a complete list:

  • 1930 Uruguay
  • 1934 Italy
  • 1966 England
  • 1974 Germany
  • 1978 Argentina
  • 1998 France

With these six world champions and 22 World Championships so far, this even happens in about 30% of all cases. However, you also have to take into account that World Cups are more often held in enthusiastic football nations and less at the home of outsiders of the tournament.

More details can be found in the list of all previous World Cup Winners.
Last update on 2024-02-23 | Created on 2015-10-07

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