22 Votes

Why are not all columns from the Explorer displayed in the Filelist Creator?

Question by Guest | Last update on 2023-03-02 | Created on 2018-05-12

The FilelistCreator already offers a lot of different columns to include file information in your custom file list. However, there are some other columns available in the Windows Explorer that I can not find in the File List Creator.

Why does the program not also offer all other columns from the Windows Explorer?

2Best Answer2 Votes

The Filelist Creator works independently of the Windows Explorer and is not just an interface to write the Windows Explorer columns into a file list.

This approach would even not be possible because next to Windows, the Filelist Creator is also running on the operating systems Linux and MacOS and of course, there is no Windows Explorer available on these systems. For this reason, the tool does not offer all the columns that exist in Windows Explorer, but also has columns (such as the text file information) that Windows Explorer does not provide.

The program reads out all its information based solely on the file and every single piece of information for a column requires programming. Depending on the information and file format, this programming is more or less difficult and time-consuming and therefore it is not possible to immediately offer all conceivable file information for every imaginable format in the program.

Nevertheless, the Filelist Creator is regularly expanded and therefore provides more and more columns that you can include in your file list. You can find an overview of these changes in the change log of the program.
Last update on 2023-03-02 | Created on 2018-05-12

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