Why are men not allowed to wear high heels?
Question by Guest | 2018-01-08 at 23:58
Supposedly, we are living in an enlightened and emancipated world. So far the theory. Nevertheless, society still gives us some inexplicable taboos: While men's clothes such as pants, suits, sneakers or ties are socially acceptable for women, and nobody is surprised when women wear them, the reactions on the men's side are everything else as friendly.
As soon as a man is only beginning to approach the female wardrobe, he is assured of boos and insults from all sides.
On high heels or similar clothes is not to be thought! Immediately, the man in question is stamped as gay and gets from all sides on the lid. But why is a woman allowed to wear wide clothes or men's suits and no one denounces her as a lesbian? I do not understand that. Can anyone explain to me?
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Honestly, I have no idea why this is so. We know that there is no equality, so why in this topic? Women are allowed everything, men nothing.
The irony of the story is that the first high heels and higher shoes were worn by men. The society expects men to be big. So it would be logical for men to wear the high shoes and the women to stay small. So just the other way around.
Maybe the women are just afraid that someone will invade their domain. After all, women can always complain so well about the pain in high schools and feel pity. What if suddenly a man shows up and says that this pain does not exist?
2018-01-09 at 12:56
Yes, why should men not wear high heels?
The men's models are boring and monotonous ...
So men, dare you!
2018-01-09 at 23:43
To be honest, I also do not understand why women are allowed to serve everywhere, but men in turn can not even think about it.
A woman is allowed to commit any fashion crime in our Western Hemisphere unpolished! - But when a man puts on something else than allowed in his stale gender role... - He is literally stoned!
Hello? - Emancipation is not a one-way street!!!
Women's rights are good and important! - And right!
But whoever says "A" must also be able to say "B"...
If the female species suspects that she can just take everything from the men, but in return she does not have to "give up" her own, then the women have cut themselves enormously!
Even though men in high heels, skirts, nylons, ballerinas, blouses, lingerie, corsets - or whatever - seem a bit unfamiliar to us at the moment, we will (have to) get used to it.
Finally, we got used to women in pants, sneakers, pinstripe suits, ties or boxer shorts (with surgery!)...
Men, dare you from your quiet little room!
Man or coward!
2018-01-10 at 22:11
I think so too, I'm only 14 years old and a boy, but I also like to wear high heels, balarina and tights for my life. It has also been necessary to get used to women in pants, and so it will also be for men in high heels.
2018-01-11 at 21:47
It's easier said than done... I love wearing heels and boots, leggings and skirt... but it's not accepted... my marriage broke even because she considered me to be gay... So you are wearing it at home...
2018-01-11 at 23:55
You are right in everything you say. And I find it also unfair that women are allowed to wear what they want, but not man. But which man on the street wants to be attacked every 2 minutes, just because he wears high heels?
I once had the experience myself. I am a man and always wanted to try high shoes. Last year at carnival, I took the opportunity and just made it. And although it was carnival, I was hostiled everywhere and called a gay fagot.
Why should a man expose himself to this hostility? I think there are a lot of men who would like to wear high-heeled shoes, but for that reasons they will stay in their homes forever. From which one should such a social change be carried out when nobody today has the guts?
2018-01-12 at 21:25
Why should a man should expose himself to such hostility as described by you?
-a- because one should (and must) fight for his views and rights
-b- if the suffragettes had thought so, the women would never have emancipated themselves (as far as one can speak of it, because today the woman takes all rights, but the man is still far from it)
-c- who does not fight, can not complain either
-d- I have always ignored such hostility. I constantly wear heels of 5 cm.
-e- because there is no reason to limit yourself to chunky, flat shoes, only the footwear industry has not yet adjusted to men who sometimes want to wear beautiful shoes with heels
-f- because shoes with a heel were once invented for the MAN, because it rides better than with "flat riders".
It does not have to be stiletto heels or 12 cm heels, that's up to anyone, but beautiful shoes with heels are for ALL.
2018-01-13 at 13:14
But why is it in our society that women are allowed to wear everything and men are not allowed?
Nobody has said anything about possible causes, only that the poor men should dare. If you are ill you should also know before the treatment, what is the cause, in order to act properly.
2018-01-13 at 15:09
The cause that most men shy away from "feminine clothing" is already named - The constant hostility of other contemporaries (fagot, fag, gay,...).
Our world must definitely become more open and tolerant!
The more men claim their "rights," the faster society will perceive it as "normal."
2018-01-13 at 15:40
No no. I did not mean why the men do not do it, the reasons are clear to me and they were well explained.
I meant why our society is like that. Where the roots of it are that the people in the street say, "Wow, there's a woman in man's clothes, that must be a career woman" versus "Ih, there's a man with women's clothes".
If it were "normal", nobody would say anything. But why does society perceive one as "normal" and the other as "abnormal"?
Personally, I'm bothered by the fact that everyone always says, "Men just do it", but nobody questions how these values come about. Because if these values were not, no one would be attacked and there would not be the whole discussion. Because there is no discussion about whether women may wear jeans, for example, or the like. This is just "normal" and therefore not worth mentioning.
2018-01-14 at 12:26
The reason, dear Laura, is that men have always been the strong sex over the last decades, where women were rather oppressed. A woman was so weak then, a man was already strong then.
So when a woman wears male clothes, she changes her image in the direction of strength. Although that may not suit many men, but since women have snatched for the prestige of strength over many centuries, women are at least themselves in the way, ie. Men are more likely to oppose male clothes on women (even if they do not admit it), but women are in most cases sure of that ... so about debut.
On the other hand, when a man uses female clothing, he changes his image toward weakness, because feminine clothing produces more aesthetics, and less the roughness of a man. A man is thus less rude and thus generates a weaker picture of himself, which of course is not liked by the woman on his side. Since the man himself does not want to be considered weaker (because he has always been considered strong for millennia), he stands in his own way and is therefore in doubt. That women are opposed to female clothing in the majority of cases because they want to have a 'strong' man as a showcase at their side and men who certainly do not want to change their image from 'strong' to 'weak' are not really for that... That means the quoto for female clothing at the man sinks to approximately zero.
The cause is thus the man himself, since he is too cowardly to show 'weakness' in order to prove true strength.
I know what I'm talking about, because as a 40-year-old I have been wearing self-confident high heels or at least shoes with heels > 5 cm in public for over 2 decades and have suffered the whining and self-pity of men for several years in various forms, where men prove no strength, but manifested by the obvious complaining only right a 'weakness' in their heads and the other heads.
If the man is willing to value weakness as positive, then the fashion world of the man will automatically change accordingly ... but as long as that does not happen, the men's fashion will become more and more rough and uneventful.
2018-01-14 at 19:19
Thanks, really well explained. Sounds very plausible.
Heavy, that you run around with high heels for so long.
May I ask if you are married and what your wife / girlfriend says or how you taught her? Or does she not know anything about your preference?
2018-01-15 at 17:44
Yes I am (or I have almost to write) I was married. But in her opinion, our relationship no longer has the right to exist. In addition, she has also referred to me several times within her ignited quarrels as a fagot, although I have absolutely nothing in common with a fagot, because according to my knowledge, they do not wear any high heels, unless they perform travesty. I am and remain a man and give myself accordingly, just as a woman is also normally and confidently wearing a pair of pants.
I had met her, my wife, my girlfriend - or whatever I should call her - on the internet and has told her everyting right from the start. At first she was incredibly excited and even motivated to stay with me the way I am. At some point she realized that I can run better on high heels than she and she can talk with her friends about the length of my di.. but not about my courage to put on as women have for decades, the freedom sometimes also takes on clothes that today are more likely to be given to the opposite sex in society... and these are high heels or shoes with a slightly lower heel.
If I muster the courage and the strength again to rebuild a new relationship, I would of course tell her everything again and who knows maybe I find a woman, who still has no problem with wearing high heels even after several years, and even loving me for being so emanicated and to make hardly any strict role separations in the relationship and otherwise.
And are you married or do you have a friend who allows you to post such a question here? Or are you possibly also a high-heels-carrying man who wants to tap the company over this?
2018-01-16 at 13:49
Haha, no, I'm not a man. Why should I call myself Laura then? I find the whole topic here only interesting. And to marry I'm still a little too young...
All my previous friends were indeed very big friends of high heels, I was always treated very differently when I wore them. But that they also could wear high shoes themselves, I have not yet noticed. Maybe they did it secretly, I would find such a secret interesting.
Really blatant that it is apparently not possible to find a woman who finds it all right... Isn't there maybe any women who find that great out there? And maybe wish such a man?
2018-01-16 at 15:55
Because women are more courageous and try everything that comes to their minds and do not care about any commentary - they just do it.
For men, it's all about wanting to play the strong guy and not really dare to wear something extraordinary like high heels in the public.
Some are only cowards in their relationships - really pity.
2018-01-17 at 17:48
The question itself in the title is totally wrong, because who says that men are not allowed to wear high heels? The women? Society?
There is, as far as I know, no law, which prohibits men from wearing high heels, which basically means that everyone has a right to free individual development. What the society does with it is another thing, but what should we care if society not accept men's right to wear high-heeled shoes?
First and foremost, WE are the company, so we can change them too. By fighting for it and standing by our intentions.
If men on high heels are not normal - well, our society needs abnormal people, because we see where the normal people have taken us!
2018-01-17 at 21:41
Four weeks ago I started to wear high heels. Regardless of the opinions of other people. My wife was surprised at first (she does not wear high-heeled shoes), now she supports me and endures my new style. Even my children (between 13 and 33 years) have become accustomed to the reactions in our small town that were rather positive, except for some half-strong, whose worldview I probably disturbed. I am a latecomer (58 years old) and probably have less scruples than younger men.
There will always be people who moan (that's what women do), but they do not interest me. I wear what I like, no matter it comes from the ladies' or men's department!
We are part of society and should act simply instead of moaning, discussing and questioning.
I'm just reclaiming lost fashion terrain when wearing high heels, leggings, overknees, and so on. If many men handle this, the pressure will eventually ease.
I am not willing to apologize for being a man, for being heterosexual, for wearing high heels, etc. I also claim the right of ugliness for myself and endorse it to all fellow human beings too!
If someone does not like my outfit, he or she just has to look elsewhere.
Put on a big coat and pull your thing through.
And when you fall (I mean literally and figuratively), get up again and go on!
2018-01-18 at 05:31
I also like to wear high heels: the shoes are much finer for my taste. Men's shoes are just functional shoes or degenerate. Looking for beautiful shoes, the ladies department is great.
Women have a wide range and can not only choose their things freely, but also create a totally different look.
When women meet, they often talk about clothing.
Is a man satisfied with what the men's market has to offer, it is o.k. But what about men who are disappointed with an ever smaller supply in the apparel market. Feeling confined in your creativity. These are then gay fags.
When a woman looks after a man with high heels. Why is she doing this?
2018-01-18 at 19:29
I am a woman and I must say, I feel attacked by high-heels-wearing men in my role as a woman!
Is there nothing anymore that you can wear as a woman and enjoy what is really just womanly? Do men have to dispute this topic?
Wasn't it always nice that men admired you for torturing yourself on these shoes? And now, of course, the men can do better and women have lost their ground again!
2018-01-18 at 23:19
I hope you never wear pants and flat shoes ... Because that's reserved for men.
Women in sneakers and pants are probably shemales ...
2018-01-19 at 18:34
I'm a man and I have to say, I feel assaulted by trousers and flat-bottomed men's shoes-wearing women in my role as a man!
Is there nothing left that you can wear as a man and enjoy what is really just male? Do women still have to dispute this topic?
Wasn't it always nice that the women admired you for torturing yourself on these shoes? And now, of course, the women can do better and man has lost ground again!
2018-01-19 at 20:03
We men also have no garments reserved for us men only.
I think women are in favor of equal rights, but there they always just think about doing things that were reserved for men, and when a man does what was reserved for women then women feel they are being attacked.
So they want to do everything and want at the same time that some things are reserved for women only.
Besides, these high heels are not that uncomfortable. I have already tried it myself and have found no difference than that you are walking higher and more conscious.
PS: Man has already lost all terrain.
2018-01-20 at 15:43
To the lady who wrote last: What is this shit? Let's read the post in front of yours. It was men who started with heels. And that even several hundred years ago. Then tattoos are reserved only for the natives of America and the Pacific Islands. And earrings and the like too. For you there are also panties that look like a boxer short. Long pants, jeans, lumberjack shirts, etc. Strange, right? And then she claims colors as well. Pink is yours and blue is ours. Not in life. I have more pink in my flat than woman would believe. Of course, there were also stupid, questioning comments. My Answer: I do not care what others think. I like it and I'm ready. Who has a problem with it must look away or even stay away. I hate people's intolerance. And that's why there are wars in the name of religion - because there are people who do not check, that there are other faiths that have to be tolerated. And let's be honest: limited to clothing: how many ladies do you really see when you walk through the city? N/A?
Tolerance does not mean that I have to tolerate intolerance.
2018-01-20 at 17:44
To the woman who says that only women should high heels: I love to wear them and get very nice compliments from a lot of women. And my friends from our high heel table find it very good. They want to tell you that you should change your opinion about it.
2018-01-21 at 16:31
I rather think that society has to change at that point, the opinion of the lady is only a reflection of society.
But how do you want to do that? You can not dictate people's opinion.
If the society would think otherwise, it would not matter if man now wears dress shoes, sneakers or just high heels ...
2018-01-22 at 10:52
How egomaniac can one actually be if one makes use of emancipation, but limits even the extension of other people's rights?
By the way, high heels were originally invented by and for men, and at the beginning of the 20th century, men's baby clothes were pink and girls blue, until industry had influenced society.
2018-01-23 at 04:28
I only wear my high heels secretly.
However, 2 years ago in Carnival, I also worn some outdoors.
The whole thing has already caused quite a hello, especially in the subway, but rather positive.
In the end, however, one heel was "lost" in a tram track.
2018-01-23 at 16:33
Equality is not a one-way street. Men's shoes are just underground. The color selection is limited to black, brown and blue -> end. I am looking more and more often in the women's department, because the selection and the colors are simply nicer. For years, I also wear quite colorful wood clogs in the office and everyone accepts that. The clogs are not really "high heels" but they are already noticeable. Now I'm just about to increase the heel height to 7 cm. Again and again, there are contemporaries who say: "You are wearing women's shoes". Just stand over it and ignore it, maybe that's exactly what they secretly love and do not dare.
So men, trust and drive equality.
2018-01-23 at 22:20
I have started to wear shoes with heels only a few months ago for carnival.
The feedback was great probably because I can still walk on them.
But in public, I do not wear them because in our small town everyone knows everyone.
But if I really want the heel feeling, I put on the shoes I have prepared:
They have a wedge made by me which increases the shoe very comfortably by 6 cm, long trousers over it and no one can see it, a super wearing feeling.
2018-01-24 at 23:30
I thing it is an interesting thing with those preperated shoes. Can you go into it, maybe even more in detail in a separate topic?
It's also a great way to cheat with the body size.
I have ordered such wedges myself on the internet, but used them only once. It was hardly possible to walk with them, because the wedge kept the foot out of the shoe so far, that you did not have any hold anymore. In addition, it was a kind of silicone, which was also very wobbly and you thought the whole time you run on eggs.
What material do your wedges have, do you use special shoes so you do not slip out? And how are your experiences with it?
2018-01-25 at 10:45
The initial question was though: why men are not allowed to wear high heels?
Who says they can not do that? It is not forbidden. However, there is a lack of social acceptance. Why a woman feels attacked in her role as a woman, because a man is wearing high heels, eludes my understanding.
And it always depends on what you do. If a man is on 15 cm high stiletto heels, preferably red patent leather, the negative reactions are inevitable. But an elegant pump color matching the dark suit can look very chic. More men had to wear heels, then the topic would soon be accepted and off the table.
2018-01-25 at 20:36
I have asked the police.
Everyone is allowed to do what he wants.
Thank you!
2018-01-25 at 23:19
So. As a man, I see it a little differently. I think it's primarily because men do not dare to wear cloakroom clothing declared as women's clothing. One question: if you slip into your clothes in the morning and then go out, do you think about whether other people like it? What do you say if someone told you what a shit your jacket looks like? Well, are you ringing? It itch you a shit. Or there is a spell back. And why? Because you do not care what others think.
Well, the clothes that society has assigned to women. Now let's take the following:
You put on a skirt or heels at home. You already call your mind for the comments before you go out. Why? Because even in your mind these clothes do not fit men. At least that's how it's stored.
If someone says you're sultry because you're wearing sneakers, you resist. You're fooling around. But why is this behavior tied to clothing? Why is not it possible if you carry other things? Tell people how sorry they are to be so jammed in this day and age. Shows the middle finger.
Earlier in the Middle Ages men HAD to wear high heels. That was considered etiquette. Men were wearing tights. Just because the style has changed, or because the society has categorized all such garments and divided them into male and female, it does not mean that it is not allowed. You just have to shit on criticism and stupid sayings. As long as your personal environment handles it confidently, everything is clear.
In the living room you can not win a revolution.
And yes, I wear what I want when and where. Basta.
2018-01-26 at 20:10
Actually, it should not matter what clothes you wear. I mean it does not matter from which department (men, women) and it does not matter if you wear a summer dress, mini skirt or jeans. It should not matter if you wear ballerinas, high heels or chucks. Everyone his taste.
2018-01-26 at 22:25
I am also a man and I also wear pumps and high heels, I also go shopping in pumps, but there are many people watching. If I nail through the shops.
I was approached by a woman when I went shopping for the first time, I said that I lost a bet and that this is my wager.
She said that I can walk well in the pumps.
The woman was between 20 and 25 years old.
That encouraged me to go shopping with pumps now.
2018-01-27 at 13:31
Please go on doing so and be happy if you hear the click clack of your high heels.
I have all my pumps and high heels reworked to metal heels. There are also women who love you because of that.
You can only get to know women when you go shopping as often as possible and you meet people wearing high heels. Man can exchange and you will be seen by the women. In everyday life, you have the best opportunities with your high heels to get to know women.
2018-01-27 at 15:49
But where do you meet such a woman? I would love to get to know a woman with whom I could live out my preference for high shoes together. However, I am in my early 20s and the girls have something else in mind, especially since many girls hardly ever wear high heels their selves.. Unfortunately..
2018-01-27 at 20:37
Why does everyone write as a guest in this discussion?
Are you not daring to admit in public that you are wearing high heels as a man and only use the anonymity of the internet?
2018-01-28 at 20:07
No, unfortunately I do not dare to wear my high heels in public... Too little self-confidence :(
2018-01-29 at 20:30
I have read many of the statements and tell you that men are allowed to and should wear high heels anytime. Once it looks very good if you can walk with it. And I think that society needs such a nice change.
We men should meet a lot more and also make events about it.
I myself wear pumps with 12 cm - 15 cm almost every day for going shopping and going to work. In the beginning, some men in the company had problems with that, they said I should let me investigate once. But the women supported me a lot and organized two art fairs so we had a lot of fun. I had high heels in silver all day long. And it was only allowed to people with high heels and there were long ways to walk.
I wish you all the best and continue to wear high heels.
2018-01-30 at 17:43
May I ask you in what kind of company you work? Is it already going in the direction of fashion or something else? Is it a job with or without customer contact?
2018-01-31 at 09:05
I work in the FASHION AREA and make customer visits.
And at consumer shows on the weekend I help a friend to sell underwear and pumps.
We do Organized House Performances I always wear 13.5 cm - 14.5 cm high heels. Most of them find it good that I do it that way and have already been invited to go shopping with their high heels.
I do not wear flat shoes anymore. When I come home I wear home style stiletos with 15 cm - 16 cm heel height.
2018-01-31 at 12:08
Well, I'll say it like this.. If you sell pumps and high heels you have to advertise and then it would be strange if you did not do it. Then it's more like a publicity stunt if I understand you correctly...
2018-01-31 at 13:17
I think if we men would wear heels more often, it will soon become a habit and nobody will mind anymore. How was it with long hair for men? I can remember that everyone also looked at each silly and shook his head. And now? Everyday style!
2018-02-04 at 20:55
Hello everybody!
Can you possibly tell me how you do that? I am 25 years old and have been wearing high heels for 2 years but unfortunately I only wear them at home because I do not dare to go public.
2018-02-06 at 11:01
The thing with daring to wear high heels in public are known by all men trying to walk in high heels.
At the beginning I was looking for a very long pair of pants with some punch and a few lonely ways and places for practicing and walking in the heels. Today I always wear longer pants and "hide" the 10 cm heels something so I go to shopping quite as normal in all shops - only in shoe stores I do not like to go.
It took time but it works and is worth it - just try it.
2018-02-06 at 13:29
Who actually says that men are not allowed to wear high heels? It may be unusual, but it is not forbidden. Sure, it can happen that a man in heels has to listen to some stupid comments, but you can live with that.
However, it has happened to me that a woman told me, great how you can run on it.
2018-02-06 at 16:55
Rarely read such a nonsense. In the 70s, there were already extremely high plateau shoes and boots for men in fashion (see, for example, old ABBA photos). As a teenager I was "of course" there, but these things were so impractical and my feet hurt in the evenings, so fortunately this fashion did not prevail. Those men who want to wear high heels are in better hands with a psychiatrist than in a shoe shop.
2018-02-08 at 15:50
Society are all based in a man's perspective since they're the dominant gender and the better one. A man entering a woman's world (wearing dresses, stiletto heels, putting make up) is quite emasculating, and degrading to them. Whereas for women, it works the opposite. Wearing men's clothing, doing things men do are a great achievement and improvement to them while maintaining the things they originally have. This shows how women's fashion comes in vast array of options. It's all about the fight for equality towards men.
2020-05-31 at 03:40
Straight, married guy here who has been wearing gals high heels, in public even, since the early 1990's. Never really had a problem, get an occasional stare and snicker, but then have gotten many compliments. I just enjoy wearing fashionable high heel shoes, the gals shoes just look so much nicer than the drab guys styles. Some folks just assume that I am gay, not certain what that has to do with anything, I am not, so that is their issue to deal with... Go for it...
2021-02-15 at 21:57