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Windows Tip: Screenshot of only one program

Tip by Mopsi99 | 2014-01-12 at 17:53

On Windows, you can simply and quickly create a screenshot of the whole screen by pressing the Print key on the keyboard.

However, in most cases, the entire screen is not the thing, we would like to capture. In most cases, we would like to record only one application or window and not the rest of the screen.

For achieving these, in the past, I have always used the print key from the keyboard to take a photo of the whole screen in order to copy the image to a graphics program, where I have cropped out the window of interest out of the big picture. This has taken a lot of time.

But it's a lot easier: Just hold the ALT key from your keyboard while pressing the print Button. This makes the screenshot function to only capture the window that is currently active. And you can save a lot of work and the detour through the paint program.

So: Just click on the window of interest so that it gets the focus, hold down the ALT key and click on PRINT. And already, there is a picture of the current window in your clipboard.


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