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Separate the Eggs Made Easy

Tip by LoyalRoyal | 2012-03-29 at 09:29

Separating the yolks from the eggwhites is not easy. Many try it, by pouring the egg mixture again and again from one half of the open eggshell to the other half. If you are lucky, with each step of this procedure a little bit of the eggwhites drops down and after some minutes we have separated the egg completely - if not the yolk drops down in one go. But there is an easier way to do it!

The solution: Using a funnel

A funnel is the solution. If you pour the complete egg into a funnel, the egg separates itself. The yolk is to large to pass through the stem of the funnel, the liquid eggwhite passes through. And we're done.

It is best to try some funnel sizes, to see which size provides the best results. It should not be too small, so that the egg can flow well, but it should also be not too large, so that small yolks cannot come through.


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