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Adapter for electrical sockets in France and Paris?

Question by Guest | 2012-06-12 at 16:14

Soon, I will undertake a trip to Paris and I'm currently in the preparations. Can I use the same power outlet there as I am using here (European Plug) or do I need an adapter?

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In the hotels in France, I've never had problems. There, always my normal standardized European plugs were fitting.

But things are different with the old sockets in France, for example, if you rent a holiday home there, it may happen.

The old sockets have a pen in the middle as grounding, that can cause problems using the large/round plugs. So, you will need a flat/small plug (like it is common with razors and so on) or a large plug with a hole in the middle.

In a hotel, I have never seen this old plug, you can safely use your European plug.
2012-06-13 at 19:34

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