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Adobe Creative Cloud: Can Documents only be stored in the Cloud?

Question by Guest | 2014-03-24 at 21:25

Honestly I got quite a shock, when I heard about Adobes plans to shift their applications more and more into the cloud.

At the moment, I can hardly foreseen what this will mean for me and for my workflow in particular. There are still too many open questions.

One question that is very important for me is how you can access your data and documents. Will that only be possible using the cloud?

So, considering that I have edited an image with Photoshop. Will it only be possible for me to save this image in the cloud? And what is happening when I want to cancel my subscription for the Creative Cloud? Will the result be that all of my pictures stored online will be vanished?

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Indeed, Adobe is offering an online storage system in the cloud for its users, but you can also save your data onto your computer hard drive like ever before.

The Adobe Creative Cloud applications will be installed and can be executed on your computer like the traditional Adobe products. Only the license is another one.

So, also all of your PDFs and images will not be vanished if you do not extend your contract with Adobe. The files are remaining normally on your computer if you have stored them there.
2014-03-26 at 16:17

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