00 Votes

Are social media secure?

Question by Guest | 2018-09-27 at 19:41

I like to use Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites and have recently talked with my best friend about what Facebook and Instagram are holding it with the privacy in the background.

Are social media really safe? I worry a little now, as I also share all of my secrets in my private messages.

00 Votes

Of course they are safe! It's best to publicize your secrets directly in public, why secrets with private messages?

Do not worry, there are laws that must be respected. It is not for nothing that the DSGVO regulates everything concerning data protection. Even social media must abide by laws.
2018-09-27 at 23:28

ReplyPositive Negative
00 Votes

Law is one thing, but reality can often deviate from that.

I would not rely on any laws. There are more than enough examples that encourage me in cases where companies did not abide by the highly praised laws and led to scandals.

That's one of the reasons why I do not use social media because I do not want to give up control over my data to supposedly reputable companies where nobody know who's sitting and operating them anywhere on the globe.
2018-09-28 at 22:32

ReplyPositive Negative

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