Bra Sizes: Difference between Cup E and DD (Double D)
Question by Guest | Last update on 2021-04-06 | Created on 2015-11-03
I am a little confused about the cup sizes of bras. I know, that with increasing size there are the cups AA, A, B, C and D. But what is the next size after cup size D?
Up to now, I have already seen both, bras with an E cup as well as D cups, that is double D.
So, what size is there after D? E or DD? And what is the difference between the two cup sizes? Or does "Double D" just mean "very big", because it is often used in this sense?
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In the European bra size system, there are no double letters such as Double D. In this system, after the cups A, B, C and D, there are the cup sizes E, F, G and so on. The term Double D is coming from the British and US-American systems.
In the American system, instead of A, B, C, D, E and F, there are the sizes A, B, C, D, DD, DDD and DDDD. Thus, the American "Double D" corresponds to a European E cup.
In the British system that is slightly different. There, DD is an individual size between D and E. In the British system, you count AA, A, B, C, D, DD, E, F, FF, G, GG, H, HH, J and so on. The distance between the individual sizes is an inch for each.
Last update on 2021-04-06 | Created on 2015-11-03