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Can I cast away energy saving lamps to the household waste?

Question by Anna Meyer | 2018-06-23 at 20:15

The manufacturer of my energy saving lamp has promised me that the lamp will last forever and that the investment is worthwhile! Nevertheless, my energy-efficient light has now broken and I wonder how I can dispose the thing properly.

Just in the normal garbage, like the good old light bulb (residual waste) or should I put it to the hazardous waste (special refuse)?

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The good old light bulb could indeed be disposed with the normal residual household waste.

However, energy saving lamps are (like fluorescent tubes) really toxic hazardous waste! Therefore, you have to give them either back to the dealer or to the municipal collection points for hazardous waste (garbage dump or collection cars - depending on your city).

If you think of how many people wrongly dispose energy-saving lamps and how much energy is consumed for the production in contrast to the normal light bulb, I do not know how anyone can say that energy-saving lamps would be good for the environment. But that's another topic.
2018-06-23 at 23:36

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