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Contact Lenses become wilt after remaining out of Solution

Question by Supermausi | 2015-12-13 at 05:21

My lens becomes wilt due to remaining for many days out of their solution.. I want to ask that either we use it again or not???

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You should not store your contact lenses out of their solution. Not for several days, not for one day, even not for an hour or some minutes. You should always put your contact lenses into the solution directly after removing them from your eyes.

Otherwise, the lenses will dry out and that will happen what you have described. It is also not hygienic what you are doing there. Please throw away those lenses and take some new one.

By the way, are you using soft or hard contact lenses? Of course, soft lenses are drying out much more faster than hard ones.
2015-12-14 at 16:32

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