-22 Votes

Create RPM Package with Ubuntu

Question by Guest | 2016-06-26 at 15:40

Up to now, I have only created Debian packages using dpkg on my Linux system (Ubuntu) for publishing my little tools and applications. Now, I wonder whether it could also be possible to create RPM packages on the same way.

However, as far as I know, Ubuntu is a Debian distribution and not Red Hat. Is it nevertheless possible to use Ubuntu for the development? Or do I have to use one of the Red Hat distributions such as  SUSE or Mandriva?

Namely, rpmbuild seems not to be installed on my computer. Nevertheless, I would prefer to do all developing work only on one computer instead of setting up another system.

3Best Answer13 Votes

In principle, you can also create RPM packages on Ubuntu. However, first, your have to install rpmbuild and the other rmp tools required.

For this, you can just run the following command via the terminal:

sudo apt-get install rpm

After that, you can create a package in the normal way:

rpmbuild -ba --clean $HOME/RPM/SPECS/prog.spec

However, it can do no harm to try the package on another distribution for testing, of course.
2016-06-26 at 17:09

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