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Cruise Trip: Can I take hairdryer, hair straightener and razor with me?

Question by Guest | 2018-02-22 at 15:07

My friend and I are going cruising for the first time. Therefore, we are still a little unsure what you can take with you on the trip. I would like to take my hair dryer and my flat iron with me and I also want to use it on the ship. In addition, the razor apparatus for my friend.

Now we ask ourselves, if you are allowed to do and to take that at all. Is it permissible to take such electrical appliances on a cruise ship and use them there? After all, the devices can become quite warm and it could be that the fire protection prohibits the operation.

0Best Answer0 Votes

You are welcome to take your hair dryer, hair straightener and razor onto the ship and use it there without any problems. So far I have heard of no operator that such devices should be prohibited on the ships.

After all, a cruise ship is not a plane and these devices are part of normal body care. I do not see any problems there.
2018-02-23 at 12:56

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