-22 Votes

CTRL + SHIFT + ESC on the Mac?

Question by Guest | 2016-08-26 at 12:06

On Windows, you can press the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + ESC with which you can open the task manager. I remember that formerly, you could also use the key combination CTRL + ALT + ESC for that.

Meanwhile, I am using an Apple Mac for my work and I am really missing this key sequence there. I have tried to press this hotkey again and again, but nothing happens on the Mac.

What can I do? Do I need any additionally or external secondary program making some type of task manager available on Mac OS X?

1Best Answer3 Votes

No fear, you do not need any additional application for that. On the Mac, there is the so-called "Activity Monitor" which largely corresponds to Windows' Task Manager as well as the dialog "Force Quit Applications".

You can find the Activity Monitor using your Finder under  "Applications / Utilities". The window "Force Quit Applications" can be displayed using the keyboard shortcut CMD + ALT + ESC.
2016-08-26 at 18:53

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