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macOS: Show hidden Files

How can I display the hidden files in a folder under macOS in the Finder? I know there is a hidden file in the folder, but have not found a way to...

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Show Taskmanager on the Mac

On Windows, you can use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + ESC for showing of the task manager. In this tool, you can see a list of all running...

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CTRL + SHIFT + ESC on the Mac?

On Windows, you can press the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + ESC with which you can open the task manager. I remember that formerly, you could also...

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CTRL + ALT + DEL on the Mac?

In Windows benutze ich oft die Tastenkombination STRG + ALT + ENTF um mir dem Taskmanager anzeigen zu lassen. Hier erhält man unter Windows eine...

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Mac OS X: DEL-Key does not delete Files

I would like to delete a file from the Explorer respectively Finder on a Mac. On Windows, you can just use the key DEL for that purpose. However, on...

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Mac OS X: CTRL + C/V/A/X not working

I have to work on an Apple Mac with the operating system Mac OS X for some days at my work and somehow, I am already failing with doing the most...

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New Answers and Comments

NetLabel: Just use the following keyboard shortcut when you've opened the folder: CMD + Shift + . That is, hold down both the CMD and the Shift key and then...

Question | macOS: Show hidden Files

NetLabel: There is also something like a task manager available on the Mac. Depending on whether you want to quit or terminate a program or you rather want to...

Question | Show Taskmanager on the Mac

NetLabel: No fear, you do not need any additional application for that. On the Mac, there is the so-called "Activity Monitor" which largely corresponds to...

Question | CTRL + SHIFT + ESC on the Mac?

NetLabel: There is also something alike the Windows Taskmanager available on the Mac. The program is called Activity Monitor and you can find it in the Finder...

Question | CTRL + ALT + DEL on the Mac?

NetLabel: Instead of the DEL key, Mac OS X is using the key combination CMD + BACKSPACE for deleting files. You can find the CMD key next to the space key, the...

Question | Mac OS X: DEL-Key does not delete Files

NetLabel: On a Mac, you have to use another command key for those shortcuts. Instead of using the CTRL key, you have to use the CMD key in the Mac OS X world....

Question | Mac OS X: CTRL + C/V/A/X not working

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CTRL + ALT + DEL on the Mac?

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