00 Votes

Difference between Art and Design

Question by Guest | 2013-02-26 at 15:59

I wonder what is actually the difference between the terms "art" and "design". Sometimes, both words seem to be used nearly interchangeable, sometimes it seems to me that design is used for more commercial intentions than art. Is my guess right or can someone provide a better definition?

-11 Vote

This is an interesting but also difficult question at the same time. Spontaneous, I would say:

Art exists and is created because of the art, for example because it is looking beautiful or the artist wants to live out or perpetuate. 

Design, in my opinion, is rather functional: I am thinking about web design or product design. That means, here, we have a product or an aim and we give it a garment. For me, that is design.

So, maybe in most cases, it is right that design follows more commercial interests than arts, where there are also enough overlapping aspects. For example, a good design is always art for me, too.
2013-02-28 at 19:17

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22 Votes

There was a quote that I find very appropriate:

Design is art that makes itself useful.

I do not know whose quote this is since Google cited different sources - but I think that puts it pretty to the point. Design is pursuing a particular purpose, for example in the form of an everyday object and art - at a first glance - does not serve a practical purpose.

Although, of course, also art fulfills a purpose through entertainment and on the other side, commissioned works are another boundary region.
2013-04-08 at 20:34

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