24 Votes

AskingBox becomes Responsive

Blog by Stefan Trost | 2016-02-20 at 20:10

Today the time has come: AskingBox as our first major web project becomes responsive! This step was planned for a long time, but because we are always preferring the projects of our customers, we have worked in secret and could not finish the work until now.

With the changes, we are reacting to a changing user behavior. More and more users are going online with their smartphone the space and AskingBox should remain a great experience even on the smallest smartphone screen. Because of that, the new design always adjusts to the width of the screen or the browser window: if there is a much place on big screens, most pages are following a two column design, on smaller screens, one column is sliding under the other. You can see that by just making your browser window smaller and smaller.

Design Changes

The new AskingBox-Design is based on the old one. However, it is cleaner and we have re-implemented large parts: we have omitted many strokes and lines, we have reduced shapes and shadows, color gradients are softer now, we have developed CSS rules for different formats, many widths are no longer defined in fixed pixel but in relative percentages.

Webfont for Icons and Logo

As far as possible, we have avoided graphics in the form of included images. Instead, we have developed our own font which contains not only the necessary icons but also the AskingBox-Logo as glyphs. As a result, those elements are sharp and non pixelated even on high resolution displays. Moreover, this solution also improves the page speed: the font requires much less storage space than the images and also the number of necessary HTTP requests could be reduced compared with the image solution - and that regardless of the fact, that we had already made use of image sprites at that time.

You can also benefit from the experiences we have made when changing our website. We can gladly help you to switch your own website to responsive web design. Just write to us.


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