00 Votes

Firefox: Get back old Menu Bar

Question by Guest | 2013-04-06 at 16:26

Since my last update of the Firefox browser, the menu bar of the program is disappeared without a trace. It is just vanished! Instead, you can only see an orange button labeled with "Firefox" at the top!

How can I get my menu bar back? Unfortunately, an undo of the update was not possible! Some of my features and add-ons, I can only reach by using the menu! What can I do?

2Best Answer2 Votes

If you only want to show or hide the menu bar briefly, you can just press the ALT key on your keyboard. The first time you click, the bar appears and it disappears when you click again.

If you would like to show the menu but permanently, you can click on the orange Firefox Button, you have described and there in the menu on "Options". Here, you can put a checkmark, whether the menu bar should be displayed or not. 
2013-04-07 at 09:24

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