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Fonts: Unicode Area for custom Symbols

Question by Guest | 2014-09-10 at 15:21

At the moment, I am trying to create an own custom font for some symbols on my website (a webfont).

Some of the standard symbols such as arrows, strokes or crosses, I have put on the corresponding Unicode character. However, there are also some other symbols/images in my font for which there is no fitting code point in Unicode.

How would you proceed in this case? Is there any area for some own symbols that is not preassigned with any known character of symbol?

1Best Answer1 Vote

In the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP, Plane 0), you can find the block "Private Use Area". I think that is exactly what you are looking for.

The block starts at code point U+E000 and ends at U+F8FF. It is containing a total of 6400 characters. You can put your own custom symbols in this area.

But be careful! There is also the area "Supplemental Private Use Area-A" in Plane 15 (U+F0000 to U+FFFFD, 65534 characters) and "Supplemental Private Use Area-B" in Plane 16 (U+100000 bis U+10FFFD, 65534 characters), both areas made for custom characters. Nevertheless, it is better to take something out of the range between U+E000 and U+F8FF, because not all programs and applications are able to display the high code points from plane 15 and 16.
2014-09-10 at 15:51

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