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Find fixed width Fonts on the Computer

Tutorial by Stefan Trost | Last update on 2022-11-20 | Created on 2016-07-20

I have installed very much system fonts on my computer. So many, that I have lost the overview a long time ago. It becomes more and more difficult to find an appropriate font from this huge list. For example, for a recent project, I am searching for a font with a fixed width, that means each character of this font should have the same width, regardless of the corresponding letter. Is there any possibility to only show and display the installed fonts matching this or other criteria?

Answer: The tool PrintMyFonts can bring order into a font chaos. The application is available for the systems Windows, macOS and Linux. With this tool, it is possible to display and filter all fonts and it is also possible to write an arbitrary text in all fonts in order to compare or export them.

  • After the first start of the program, you can see all installed system fonts in the list on the left.
  • On the right, next to the filter for font names, you can also find the font style filter. With clicking on this button, you can determine which fonts should be displayed in the list. For example, you can only show fonts with fixed or variable width, but it is also possible to only show fonts with serifs or without and so on. With this, you can reduce your font list for better overview.
  • Additionally, directly under the filter options, you can change and modify the text that is written in the fonts. With this function, you can directly see how a specific text is looking like in all of the listed fonts.

The tool can be used to compare and display all fonts directly on the screen. However, by using the export function, it is also possible to print out the current list or save it as an image in the formats PNG, JPG or BMP, as website (HTML) or as document in the formats DOCX, ODT or RTF.


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