00 Votes

Missing Fonts? Maybe?

Question by Guest | 2020-10-20 at 01:36

I manually printed every font in my Windows/font directory (and the variations listed as separate fonts) and ended up with 373 total printed fonts. This does not count any bad fonts.

When I run PrintMyFonts, it shows 250 fonts, but only prints 230.

What am I missing? None of the numbers match. If I add Bold or Italic it just lists 500 or 1000 fonts. I would love to have 18 pages in a book instead of 373.

00 Votes

Maybe you have some fonts in your list that are not printable. There are screen only and printable fonts, most fonts support both. When a font is not printable, this font will not occur in the printout.

Another point are font variants. The font directory may contain several files for one font (Times New Roman is an example, where there are 4 different files for standard, bold, italic and bold italic). Not all fonts have that. So you can get to another number of fonts when looking at all single files than going only over the font names.
2020-10-20 at 02:16

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