00 Votes

Gel Nails: Gel does not harden

Question by Guest | 2014-08-09 at 22:21

I have bought a kit to make my own gel nails. Although the description on the UV-gel package indicated that the gel hardens within 3-5 minutes, even after about 10-15 minutes, the nails are not okay.

Even after this long time, the gel on my fingernail is still sticky and has the condition of chewing gum.

Can someone help me and has some idea where the problem could possibly be? Actually, I have followed all of the instructions stated in the description, so I do not know what I can do better.

0Best Answer0 Votes

I suppose, there was a cheap UV lamp containing only 2 tubes in your set. However, the time indicated on the package might only be valid for a reasonable device containing 4-5 tubes.

The problem with the cheap devices is that the UV light usually is not strong enough and by the fact that the 2 tubes are at the top, the light does not have any change to come everywhere it is required.

As you know, fingernails are bent and the thumb is spread apart. Managing this with such a small device requires much patience and you have to turn around your fingers from time to time so that each nail and each part of the nail gets enough UV rays to harden.
2014-08-12 at 17:29

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11 Vote

Thank you so much! Exactly this was the problem.

I have tried it another time with the device of one of my friends (she has a "real" one) and it all worked well and finished within the stated time.

So, you should not save at the wrong place...
2014-08-16 at 21:26

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