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Why are my Gel Nails not holding?

Question by Guest | 2016-10-27 at 21:40

I really do not know what I am doing wrong! I have purchased a professional set for making gel nails, I have watched all instructions on the Internet and YouTube and I have exactly followed the description that was lying with the set!

When it went wrong for the first time, I just had another try, but it is even worse now! Directly after designing my false fingernails, it is looking so amazing! However, hardly two of three days later, the gel is lifting off at the sides of each nail, dirt accumulates underneath which I cannot get rid of and the gel is even bursting in some places.

It really looks cruel! I cannot go out with such nails! Does someone have any valuable tips or tricks for me or does someone can tell me what I have to care about and what you can do in such a case? I can hardly make my nails new each for days. it is always taking so long!

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Of course, it is difficult to judge from this distance what exactly is the reason in your case. However, from my experiences, there are some common reasons, at which most new nail designers are failing:

  • Quality of the Gel: In most cases the program is about cheap gel of bad quality. Some gel products are not becoming really hard, other products are typically becoming brittle. It is absolutely necessary to have a good quality product at this point. In your situation, I would test different high-quality gels, because the gel also always have to harmonize with the constitution of your natural nail.
  • Rough and Clean your Natural Nails: It is very important to ensure the right surface on the natural nails, because otherwise the gel does not have any grip to hold. For example, if you forget to clean your nails before (for example with nail polish remover) or if you forget to roughen the natural nails a bit (the whole nail up to the edge), it will not work.
  • Wrong Gel Application: Inform exactly about how the gel has to be applied. This is also a common mistake leading to the gel nails falling of the fingers. For example when you go too far over the rear edge of the natural nail.

If you take these tips to heart, your nails should hold with a big probability. Otherwise, just feel free to ask again.
2016-10-28 at 17:39

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