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How do I get the Fachhochschulreife in Germany?

Question by Guest | 2018-09-29 at 11:47

Which condition does one have to fulfill in order to obtain the full Fachhochschulreife in Germany and who will provide me with proof at the end?

At the moment I have the theoretical part and I miss the practical part, maybe someone has an idea what the procedure looks like.

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Typically, depending on your subject, you'll need a few months of pratical working time, mostly 6 months, depending on the school. This is done either through an internship covering your subject or an apprenticeship that you start in your a working place covering your subject.

As soon as you have reached the minimum length, you can get the full completion of the Fachhochschulreife in the secretariat office of your school.
2018-09-30 at 02:49

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