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How to address a Hermes Shop?

Question by Dürex | 2018-03-18 at 19:30

I have ordered something on eBay and now the seller is ready to send the goods to me with a package from Hermes. So far, I have always used the packing station of DHL.

Now I came by accident to the possibility that you can also send packages directly to a Hermes Shop / Hermes PaketShop / Hermes Package Shop to pick it up there. However, nowhere is specified how to address this shops correctly. It is always stated, that you should send directly to the shop. But if I just use the address of the shop on the package, they do not know that the package is for me.

Does anyone know how to do it right? Even on the homepage of Hermes, I found no information about it.

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All you have to do is to specify your name and the address of the parcel shop.

Just do it like this:

Package Shop [Name of Package Shop]
[Your Name]
[Street and house number from the shop]
[Postcode and place from the shop]

For example, if your name is Marcus Miller and you would like your package to be delivered to the lottery point Smith on the Pattern Street 1 in 12345 Pattern City, you can write:

Package Shop Lottery Smith
Marcus Miller
Pattern Street 1
12345 Pattern City

You can pick up the package then after presentation of your identity card in the Hermes Package Shop.
2018-03-18 at 21:07

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OK. Thank you very much. However, now I'm wondering what happens if there are several people with the same name.

If someone is named the same as me, he could just pick up my packages with that system.
2018-03-18 at 23:14

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If you use this system, that would theoretically be possible. But I think that's so unlikely that Hermes will make it to this case.

But I do not know anything more about that. If anyone reads this and knows, please report. :)
2018-03-18 at 23:31

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In some order processing forms, there is already an extra field for the Hermes Package Shop. So if you have specified Hermes as shipping type, you can choose between a shop and a private address.

If that's the case, I would just use this form, the rest will be done by the computer.
2018-03-19 at 14:17

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You will probably need something to pick up your package, a text message, an e-mail, etc.!

Hermes also gives notifications when the shipment is there.

So I'm pretty sure that you can not just pick up the packages from namesakes!
2018-03-19 at 18:31

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Oh sure, you can!

If e.g. Amazon sent a package to the Hermesshop, then only with the name and not the actual address.

But: Hermes wants the passport and records the ID number (just for case).
2018-03-20 at 02:26

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