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I always smudge my nails after painting - What can I do?

Question by Guest | 2018-06-29 at 17:44

I do not know what's wrong with me, but I have the misfortune to generally smudge my freshly painted nails directly after making my nails. Whenever I've just made my nails, I force myself to sit for a moment, but before I know myself, I'm already in the apartment again and clear up here and there. The result: The nails are still wet and at least one fingernail is then messed up.

Does anyone have any tips or tricks for me what to do to avoid smudging my nails every time?

1Best Answer1 Vote

I always paint my nails just before or while watching TV. If the movie is exciting, you do not notice how time flies and do not even come up with stupid thoughts, coming with your nails somewhere against.

It can take 2 to 30 minutes for the nails to dry completely. So half an hour can be an eternity without doing anything. When watching TV or enjoying a good movie, half an hour goes by in flight.
2018-06-30 at 15:49

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