00 Votes

Pipette: Get Colors from multiple Monitors

Question by Mail Request | 2015-06-05 at 12:31

I am using the tool Pipette to be able to pick up a color from an arbitrary place of my screen.

Unfortunately, it seems as that is only possible on one monitor at the same time. However, I am using two screens attached next to each other and I would like to work with the Pipette and fetch colors on both screens.

Is there any possibility to do that?

2Best Answer2 Votes

In the menu "Settings > General", you can find some options with which you can change the mode of the Pipette.

Using the mode "Click - Move Mouse - Click", it is only possible to fetch colors from one screen.

On Windows, you can change into the mode "Click - Hold Mouse - Release Mouse" to be able to pick up colors from multiple screens.
2015-06-05 at 17:37

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