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What is Cyber Monday?

Question by Lily | 2017-11-26 at 18:23

Recently, I have heard of the term "Cyber Monday" in some ads and mails - including Amazon.

Obviously, this is some kind of discount action, but it was not defined in detail in the advertisement.

Can anyone tell me what this Cyber Monday actually is, where the term comes from and what it's all about?

1Best Answer1 Vote

In the US, the first Friday after Thanksgiving is called Black Friday. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November, so this day marks the beginning of the Christmas season. Traditionally, businesses are making huge sales that day and offering many discounts.

While Black Friday is dominated by traditional shops in the city, Cyber Monday is the online retailer's response to that "offline" day. Cyber Monday is the first Monday after Black Friday and the online version of Black Friday with many discounts in online stores. Apparently Amazon brought Cyber Monday to Europe, therefore Amazon strongly advertises it.

The next Cyber Monday date and some historical dates can be found here.
2017-11-26 at 22:23

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