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What's the Dock on Apple Computers?

Question by Guest | Last update on 2021-05-06 | Created on 2014-02-04

I am not long owner of my Apple computer (Mac OS X) and up to now, I really do not know much about it.

One of my biggest questions is, what actually the so-called "Dock" on an Apple is. Again and again I am reading on the Internet, that you can do this or that via the Dock. But where can I find that Dock?

0Best Answer0 Votes

To a Windows user, I would explain the Dock as a mixture of start menu and taskbar.

The Dock is the program bar at the bottom of the screen (bar with all of the icons of applications and folders).

Using the Dock, it is possible to open programs or directories, you can switch between open applications and you can change your settings. To delete something, it is sufficient to drag the file onto the Trash Icon located on the Dock.
Last update on 2021-05-06 | Created on 2014-03-26

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