00 Votes

When are the World Cup Finals 2014?

Question by SuperWiser | 2014-07-05 at 09:29

After the quarter-final match yesterday against France and the semi-finals, chances are good that Germany will make it to the finals of the 2014 Football World Cup.

So it's time to take care of planning the final. But when will this year's final match take place exactly (date, time and place)?

1Best Answer1 Vote

The finale will take place on Sunday, July 13, 2014 at 9:00 pm in Rio de Janeiro at Maracanã Stadium (16:00 local time in Brazil).

If Germany does not make it to the final, we are at least in the match for the third place. This will take place on Saturday, July 12, 2014 at 22:00 in Brasília in the stadium Estádio Nacional de Brasília (17:00 local time).
2014-07-05 at 12:45

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