00 Votes

Why do fat women always wear these cloths around their neck?

Question by Watcher1 | 2018-02-21 at 21:41

Again and again, it strikes me that particularly very fat women and girls are wearing strange flowing scarves or cloths around their necks, which often even cover their entire neckline. Thin and slender women, on the other hand, almost never use such foulards.

Can someone explain to me what that is supposed to? Sometimes, that looks very strange. Is this a special dress code maybe?

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Well, fat people often try to dress as favorably and advantageous as possible and one trick is to blur the contours (if possible), so that the silhouette is not exactly recognizable.

And that is exactly what those people are doing with the cloths you have talked about. When the cloth flutters around the neck, no one can see how thick the underlying human really is. Whether that looks good or not first is a matter of taste and secondly in this case probably secondary for the women hiding her fat.
2018-02-21 at 21:41

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