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WordCreator: Is it also possible to create existing words?

Question by Guest | 2017-05-23 at 21:17

Is there any function or option which enables the WordCreator creating already existing words of an arbitrary language? For example existing English words?

Up to now, I have only created real random words using this software.

I prefer a complete list of all English nouns in the singular that are 4 till 12 characters long. Thank you very much.

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Indeed, the Word Creator is made for creating arbitrary random (new) words from a defined collection of characters, letters or syllables.

Of course, randomly, the one or other existing word could appear in the output coincidentally, but this is rather the exception than the rule.

If you want to pull out an existing word from the amount of all existing words from one language, you have to "teach" the WordCreator to know those words. That means, you have to add a list of the words into the box "Syllables" at the down left of the creator. Then the program would each time "create" or pull one of those words coming from this fundus.
Last update on 2022-12-04 | Created on 2017-05-23

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