
PrintMyFonts lets you create a list of all your fonts, no matter whether you want to list your installed fonts or your font files. You can determine which text is output in which font and which export format you use.

You get PrintMyFonts in a version for Windows, Linux or macOS on the page There you will also find more information and screenshots of the program.

In this portal, you will find all topics and tutorials about PrintMyFonts. You are also welcome to ask your own questions about the program here.

New Topics

Numbering Fonts

My previous application allowed me to number my fonts. How can I number the fonts in the new version of Print My...

Question | 1 Answer

No "Fonts from Font Files" on Linux?

I have a large collection of fonts on my Linux machine that I don't want to install all at once. However, the Linux version of PrintMyFonts doesn't...

Question | 1 Answer

Multiple Columns in PrintMyFonts

I have 7500 fonts. Is there any way to make multiple columns to reduce the amount of pages? Thank...

Question | 1 Answer

Newly added Fonts in PrintMyFonts

I have already printed the 831 fonts that I have. How would I go about printing fonts that I add to that...

Info | 1 Comment

PrintMyFonts: Fonts not printing

When I go to print my fonts they do not show or print. Is there a reason why this might be? Is there a way to save a PDF file? I usual just print and...

Open Question | 8 Answers

Missing Fonts? Maybe?

I manually printed every font in my Windows/font directory (and the variations listed as separate fonts) and ended up with 373 total printed fonts....

Open Question | 1 Answer

New Answers and Comments

Stefan Trost: For numbering fonts, you can use one of the placeholders %num% (without leading zeros) or %0num% / %00num% / %000num% (with leading zeros). So, just...

Question | Numbering Fonts

Stefan Trost: Currently, this function is only available in the versions for Windows and MacOS. PrintMyFonts is using a system API for registering the uninstalled...

Question | No "Fonts from Font Files" on Linux?

Stefan Trost: Yes, you can use the export as Word Document (DOCX), Open Document Text (ODT), RTF-Document or HTML-Web Page to export your font list with a custom...

Question | Multiple Columns in PrintMyFonts

Stefan Trost: Can you explain in more detail what you would like to...

Info | Newly added Fonts in PrintMyFonts

Stefan Trost: Let us talk about that privately. Can you send me a short mail via my contact form...

Question | PrintMyFonts: Fonts not printing

Guest: Any other reasons the fonts will not print? I have tried everything I know. Will donate if you can find a solution....

Question | PrintMyFonts: Fonts not printing

Popular Topics

Print Word in all System Fonts

Tutorial | 0 Comments

PrintMyFonts: View Glyphs

Question | 1 Answer

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