02 Votes

Apple Max OS X: Open /usr Directory

Info by Axuter | 2013-03-24 at 03:00

I just stumbled to the problem of how one can actually open the folder /usr on a Mac (OS X system). Pampered by Windows, I thought that I simply can use the Finder (Explorer), but there were only listed some picked directories like the desktop or the document folder. The /usr directory or the file system were not accessible.

After searching for a while, I discovered three possibilities of how to come to the /usr directory, I do not want to withheld.

First Way: Desktop

Open the Finder and select "Go" from the menu. Here, you can click on "Go to Folder" and in the new window, you can enter "/usr" and click on "Go" to come to the folder.

Second Way: Key-Shortcut

There is also a keyboard shortcut to come to this window for opening directories: Press CMD (⌘) and Shift and G at the same time.

Third Way: Terminal

After you have opened the Terminal, you can enter "cd /usr". With this, you can switch to the /usr-directory.


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