Business, Finance, Economy and Law
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Please consider this note for all topics arround law and finance: the topics are not to be understood as a professional advice and have no claim to accuracy and/or completeness! You should always consult a skilled and competent professional (lawyer, accountant, financial consultant, etc) for a qualified opinion and never rely solely on the advice given here. More information.
New Topics
German Tax Declaration: Round up or down?
I am currently working on my first German Tax Declaration (Steuererklärung). I noticed quickly that some fields do not allow decimal places (Elster...
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Online VAT Calculator
With this value added tax calculator you can calculate the value added tax (VAT) for any amount and VAT rate. Simply enter your desired values into...
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Any tips for promoting sales?
As we all know, it's hard to start a business and maintain a longterm relationship with your clients. How can I win the trust of my target...
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Does LinkedIn a good place to start business?
My company is keen on doing business in LinkedIn which service as a best tool to develop new relationship. We establish relationship and connect with...
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Reverse Charge Invoice: Note in the national languages of the EU
Anyone who uses the reverse charge procedure for business to business (B2B) services between companies in the EU pursuant to the Value Added Tax Act...
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Countries without withholding tax on dividends
I have some foreign stocks in my stock portfolio and it is always annoying to see how much money some countries have withheld from my dividend. For...
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New Answers and Comments
Never Rich Enough: If the form does not allow decimal places, you are always allowed to round in your own favor. This means that if a larger amount would be better...
Question | German Tax Declaration: Round up or down?
TopBird: It depends on the type of business you are involved. Each business has its own target group and you have to focus on the places where your target...
Never Rich Enough: Countries that do not apply withholding tax on dividends are rarely. However, they exist. Currently, I know the following countries: Great Britain...
For Nature: The fundamental difference is that on the bicycle road (Fahrradstraße), the entire street or roadway is actually intended for cyclists. On the other...
Question | Difference between Bike Path and Bicycle Road in Germany (Radweg and Fahrradstraße)
Consumer: Even if many customers in the supermarket are doing that and are thinking that this is only a trivial thing, it is still nothing more than stealing....
Question | May I try fruits and vegetables in the supermarket?
FastDriver: There has been a legal alcohol limit for road traffic in Germany since its introduction in 1953. Since then, the limit has been repeatedly reduced: ...
Question | Since when is there a blood alcohol limit for road traffic in Germany?
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German Tax Declaration: Round up or down?
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How fast are you allowed to drive on a Bicycle Road / Fahrradstraße?
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