00 Votes

Apple Mac OS X: Create Application Shortcut on Desktop

Question by NoSports | 2013-02-15 at 21:56

I would like to create a shortcut to a program on my desktop on a Apple Mac. The application is a typical .app format application.

Like accustomed from Windows, my first try was just dragging the program to the desktop. Unfortunately, this moved the complete application bundle to my desktop instead of creating only a shortcut. What can I do?

0Best Answer0 Votes

In order to create a shortcut, you can proceed as follows:

  1. Click with the right mouse button on the program to which the shortcut should be made.
  2. In the context menu, you click on "Create Alias".
  3. This will create a shortcut in the same folder. You can then simply drag this shortcut to your desktop and the program files will stay where they was.

If you are using an Apple mouse without right mouse button, you can click on the program while pressing the apple-key. This is another way to come to the context menu.
2013-02-18 at 11:52

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-11 Vote

If you drag the application on your desktop while pressing the apple-key and the alt-key at the same time, you can also create a desktop shortcut to your application by drag and drop without moving the program files.
2013-02-23 at 18:35

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