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Mac OS X: Shortcut to Show Desktop / Minimize all Windows

Question by NoSports | 2013-10-02 at 10:55

On Windows, there is the incredibly convenient way to show the desktop with only one click. This means that all windows are minimized and you can see the files on your desktop.

Now I'm sitting in front of an Apple Mac and wonder: Is there also a shortcut or a hotkey to do so?

1Best Answer1 Vote

Under Mac OS X there are two shortcuts to display the desktop:

  • cmd + F3 (Command-Key and Expose-Key)
  • fn + F11 (Function Key and Volume-Button)

Both keyboard shortcuts are moving all open windows to the edge of the screen boundaries. Pressing the buttons again will make the windows coming back.
2013-10-04 at 21:07

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