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Carol Singers: What does C + M + B mean?

Question by Guest | 2018-01-06 at 16:03

Now the time has come again for the carolers to go around the houses, to sing, to collect sweets and money on behalf of the Catholic Church and to write their C + M + B along with the current year with chalk on the door.

But what does this C + M + B actually mean?

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The C + M + B stands for "Christ Mansionem Benedictat". This is Latin and means "Christ blesses this house".

The carol singer thank you for the donation and show that they were there. The inhabitants of the house should thus be protected from misfortune and the blessing should come over them.

In the notation 20 * C + M + B + 18, the three crosses stand for the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and the asterisk for the Star of Bethlehem.
2018-01-06 at 23:58

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And I always thought that the carollers C + M + B comes from the the Three Kings of the East (Three Magi) Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar. Their names also begin with the initial letters C, M and B.
2018-01-07 at 21:53

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