22 Votes

What does the 72 in the South Curve of Bayern Munich mean?

Question by Guest | Last update on 2022-09-21 | Created on 2018-03-14

Whenever watching football with FC Bayern Munich on television and the camera shows the fans in the south curve (Südkurve), you can see a 72 on flags, t-shirts or banners.

But what does the 72 have to do with Bayern München? Is 1972 meant? Actually, Bayern was founded in 1900, if I'm not mistaken. So what does the 72 mean?

2Best Answer2 Votes

On June 28, 1972 Bayern Munich has held its first home game in the Olympic Stadium of Munich - the stadium that was built for the Olympic Summer Games 1972 and that was the home for Bayern Munich until 2005 (from that year on Bayern played at the Allianz Arena in Munich).

Since 1972, the home of Bayern fans is the south curve (in German: Südkurve). It is also the birth year and founding year of the Bayern Ultras, a time that fans will remember even today when they use the 72 symbol.
Last update on 2022-09-21 | Created on 2018-03-15

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00 Votes

The Südkurve München (South Curve of Munich) was founded that year.
2022-09-16 at 10:04

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