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Difference between Leather Jeans and Leather Trousers

Question by Guest | Last update on 2024-04-17 | Created on 2016-07-23

Does someone know the exact difference between a leather jeans and a leather trousers respectively a leather pants? As far as I know, both of these types of trousers are made of leather or synthetic artificial leather, while a jeans is made of fabric (denim).

But why are you then nevertheless speaking of leather jeans? And why is a leather jeans not a leather trousers?

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At least in Bavaria, when speaking of a leather trousers (in German "lederhose"), the traditional garb is meant (usually short and made of strong raw real leather). That is something, you can wear for example at the German Oktoberfest.

Apart from that, when speaking of a leather jeans, usually you are meaning the fashionable variant with current cut. For example the one that is often worn by women (soft, thin and smooth material, in most cases artificial leather).

The term respectively the word part "jeans" is often used, because most leather jeans are following the classic jeans cut (five pocket style).
Last update on 2024-04-17 | Created on 2016-07-23

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