15 Votes

Jeans: Difference between Skinny, Slim Fit, Sqin, Super Sqin and Super Skinny Jeans

Question by Guest | 2013-05-04 at 09:49

When buying jeans I frequently encounter terms such as Squin and Skinny or also SuperSqin or SuperSkinny. Sometimes, also Slim Fit or something like that is writtem on the price labels.

But what does this mean? It seems to me, it's about the fitting or tightness of jeans, most of such jeans are tight jeans. What is the tightest one and where is the difference?

7Best Answer7 Votes

That's right. It's about the tightness of jeans. All of these terms are giving an indication of how tight the jeans is.

However, there are no standard or uniform names, every designer or manufacturer can use its own terms. So, if you are looking for the tightest jeans for you, you have to compare within a manufacturer or brand.

If the manufacturer is offering Skinny and Super Skinny jeans, the Super Skinny is the tighter alternative and so on.

Apart from that (without regard to individual brands) you can keep the following in mind: Slim Fit is tight, Sqin is tighter, Super Sqin is even tighter, Skinny even more tighter and Super Skinny the tightest.
2013-05-05 at 10:24

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