22 Votes

How often has Brazil been Football World Champion?

Question by Wolta | Last update on 2022-11-07 | Created on 2018-07-01

Brazil is supposed to be the team that was able to catch the most World Cup titles so far. But how often was Brazil actually the winner of a Football World Cup? And in which years?

2Best Answer2 Votes

Brazil has managed to win the Football World Cup for five times. Here I have put together a list for you:

  • 1958 in Sweden (5-2 in the final against Sweden)
  • 1962 in Chile (3-1 in the final against Czechoslovakia)
  • 1970 in Mexico (4-1 in the final against Italy)
  • 1994 in the USA (3-2 in the final against Italy on penalties)
  • 2002 in Japan/South Korea (2-0 in the final against Germany)

After Germany and Italy, who were football world cup champions for four times each, Brazil is the record holder of the most Football World Cup titles. Although Brazil hosted the World Cup in 1950 and 2014, Brazil has never won the title in their own country, despite the fact that almost 30 percent of the hosts won the title in their own country.

In 1950 and 1998, Brazil made it to the finals, but could not prevail against Uruguay and France and thus landed on the second place.

More information can be found in the list of all previous World Cup Champions and in the overview of which countries have won the World Cup and how often.
Last update on 2022-11-07 | Created on 2018-07-02

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