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My boy friend does not like holding hands

Question by Guest | 2014-03-27 at 18:32

I do not understand my boy friend! If we are alone together with him or with me, he can not keep his fingers off me. He nearly seems to be glued to me and I am really enjoying it.

But as soon as we are out (going for a walk, shopping, strolling or something like that), he is just walking beside of me without any touch.

Whenever I am trying to take his hand to start holding hands, he does not take my hand and he simply ignores it. Or he releases my hands immediately at the next opportunity.

I love him so much and would love to show the whole world that we are happy together. Why is my boyfriend not thinking in this way? I would be so happy if he would take my hand someday.

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I want to be honest with you. I am also a man and I know the situation that I do not want to hold hands with certain girls. There are two reasons for this:

Either you as a man are ashamed of your girlfriend or you are handling two different girls simultaneously at the moment so that you do not want to be seen in public together with one of them.

Sometimes, men are together with women just because it has just happened. Often, men of this type are keeping a little back door open and belonging to this is making it look like you are a single to the outside. At this point, of course, it would disturb the situation if someone can see you holding hands with some woman.

The same applies to the case when a man is unfaithful. Also in this case, the danger of being discovered is too big when holding hands, because every time you can meet acquaintances or even friends of the girlfriend.

Perhaps, he simply likes another type of woman and therefore he does not want that someone can see you together. Maybe, it is your clothes. He can still love you and really appreciate your character. That does not contradict for men.

However, in case he would be proud of you and you would be the only one for him, he would show the whole world that you are his. And even if it is his opinion that holding hands is unmanly or too romantic, he would do it.

Trust me, I know how men are. I am one myself.
2014-03-29 at 11:36

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Why don't you just ask him for what he has against it. Maybe, you can just tell him that you'd wish that very much.

I can imagine that he finds holding hands to girly like in case he is otherwise more the unromantic macho guy. Or perhaps, he things that you are too old for this.
2014-03-29 at 16:17

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Sometimes, problems are solved faster than you can believe.

I also had a friend who never wanted to take my hand. 

I asked him for that and he told me, that he always has very sweaty hands and he is ashamed of that.

I told him, that this does not matter for me and since this day, it is all fine.
2014-04-01 at 05:53

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