00 Votes

Protein Shake - Before or after Sports?

Question by Guest | 2018-02-17 at 17:33

I want to start with protein shakes, but have no experience at all. One of my first questions is whether you should drink the protein shake better before or after training.

When is the best time to provide the body with the proteins? My training goal is muscle building.

1Best Answer1 Vote

Personally, I always take my shakes shortly after training, usually when I leave the studio. I think this is a good time, because at this time the body is looking for protein after training and you can provide it directly to the body.

But you will also hear many other opinions, with the intake of protein somehow every athlete seems to have his own opinion. Some also claim that it does not matter at what time you give the body the protein, the main thing is the body gets protein at all.
2018-02-18 at 14:16

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