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What are Wedges Shoes?

Question by Guest | 2018-02-17 at 14:43

I really get confused with those many different shoe models, terms and names nowadays. Can someone tell me what wedges are? Lately, I am hearing that term quite often.

1Best Answer1 Vote

Wedges are simply shoes with a wedge heel. That is, there is no pointy heel, but a continuous heel in the form of a wedge, which is in a way pushed under the shoes.

Or in other words: the sole is at a normal height (or with a plateau) at the front and increases more and more to behind. It looks a bit like as if someone has filled up the  space between shoe and heel.
2018-02-17 at 17:25

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Good morning Lipstick,

very well explained! I have also some wedges, they have a heel of 16 cm.

But what is the name of the wedges that have no heel at the back with which I can only walk on the balls of my feet?

Nice day.
2018-02-18 at 10:23

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00 Votes

What you mean are pony boots, but those shoes really have nothing to do with wedges anymore...

Wedges are characterized by the fact that they have a "heel" under the entire sole of the foot.
2018-02-18 at 17:29

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